Due to circumstances beyond our control, the tax bills will not be ready until about 12:00PM on December 27, 2019.  We apologize for the inconvinience but have to follow a few steps that the Department of Revenue has asked us to do to increase the Tax Levy limit.  Exeter has not increased the levy limit in a number of years and followed the proper procedures to do so at the public budget hearing on December 2.  DOR informed us that we need 2 additional resolutions that have to be 15 days apart.  We are working diligently to comply and get the bills produced.  Feel free to contact the town hall after Noon on Friday, 12/27 to get the amount due on your property taxes or get a printed copy.  You can also access the tax bills at:, quick link right side of page- land records system.  Clerk will also be in the office on Saturday, 12/28 from 7:00AM – 11:00AM.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  Happy Holidays to all.