How to Register to Vote
GAB-131 As of January 1, 2006, all municipalities in Wisconsin require voter registration prior to a person being allowed to vote.
The federal "Help American Vote Act of 2002" requires any person registering to vote to supply his or her Wisconsin Department of Transportation-issued driver's license number.
Electors who have not been issued a Wisconsin driver license must provide the last four digits of their Social Security Number OR their Wisconsin state ID card number.
If the elector does not have a current, valid Wisconsin driver license, Wisconsin state ID card, or Social Security Number, the applicant may indicate this by filling in the appropriate circle on the registration form. (Box 2 on GAB-131)
If the voter has a current, valid Wisconsin driver license but does not know the number and did not bring it to the polling place, poll workers must allow the voter to vote by provisional ballot. (Note: the voter CANNOT use the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number if he or she has been issued a Wisconsin driver’s license). The provisional ballot will not be counted until the voter either:
a) brings his or her driver license number to his or her polling place before the polls close at 8:00 pm on Election Day; or
b) transmits (via fax, email, telephone call or personal visit) his or her driver license number to the municipal clerk before 4:00 pm on the Friday after the Election.